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We are the first luxury community in Japan dedicated to the highest level of creativity and new technological innovation.

Our mission is simple: "Turning the FUNGIBLE into the TANGIBLE, weaving dreams into reality."


Our team comprises experts in cryptocurrency, technical architecture, and financial asset management.
We aim to provide a new investment value and experience for both the artists/brands around the world with disruptive technologies.




In Wevest, we offer members new ways to access, engage with, and profit from art, entertainment and luxury goods markets. With increased transparency, liquidity, and access, technology-driven investment opportunities are creating new avenues for value creation and portfolio growth in these sectors.

EC site designed as a luxury investment platform disrupting the current luxury market standard trading of luxury goods.
Web Design, Web Development, E-commerce management

"Reborn as NEO, the artist once known as DJ Shogun collaborates with us to craft his electrifying new persona."
Branding, Copy-writing, Contents Production


​Luxury Swiss watch maker deLaCour asked us to create a limited edition timepiece.
Product Design, Art Direction



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